Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Singapore Waterfront

                                                         Artist: Georgette Chen
                                                    Title: Singapore Waterfront
                                                             Created: In 1958
                                                        Medium: Oil on canvas

                            This painting shows Singapore River with some boats and some Ancient
                            buildings which shows that people trades in the old days.

                            In this painting, oil painting, pencils and markers are used. The colours of
                            this painting is dense.

                    The colours used in this painting were purple-blue, green, red, dark
yellow, medium brown and black.

              The shapes of this painting were squares, rectangles, triangles,
               trapezium, parallelogram and semi-circle. In my opinion, the texture
of this painting is rough.

                            The title of this painting is Singapore Waterfront because it represents
                            poetic, serene, pleasing light, sensuous, pointillist touch of the brush to 
                            reveal the transparent and atmospheric quality of waterbased on Georgette 
                            Chen, the artist.

                            The story behind this painting shows about the history of Singapore and it 
                            depicts the olden days when we would trade our goods in the Singapore

                            In my opinion, the mood of this painting is relaxing and attractive as the   
                            artist uses light colours for the sky which exude the sunny airiness of a
                            tropical landscape. She also control the brush strokes to form 
                            atmospheric quality water in this painting.

                            In comparison, the difference between the painting she drew for the 
                            mosque in Kuala Lumpur and the painting she drew for the Singapore
                            Waterfront are that both paintings were from different countries and it
                            shows the different developments of these two countries in the olden 

                            All in all, I feel that this painting she drew was my favourite picture
                            as it looks attractive and interesting.




  1. The picture is very nice and beautiful but could you elaborate more about the reasons on why the artist started drawing the picture,what inspiration did the artist get?

  2. like many artists of the time, when the Nation is trying to established her own identity... the Singapore River is regarded as an icon that represented Singapore...the bloodline, the veins, the toil and sweat of the forefathers that built Singapore...Georgette was an immigrant that settled in Singapore and decided to stay in Singapore...If the date of the painting is correct, its the time of optimism,time of Singapore and Malaya on mark to independence, reflected in the bright colours and neat and tidy strokes, a romantic but optimistic interpretation of the River...despite Georgette's fine draughtmanship, she is not exactly depicting reality but interpreting it with optimism....because in reality the river smells as sewage is dumped into it and it is also chaotic as what I remembered it as in my childhood days in the 70's and 80's..
